We still Zoom!
*** Notice: While our regular Zoom meetings have been discontinued, we often are able to go online in conjunction with the live in-person Turlock meeting. Watch for announcements (often last minute “pop-up”) in the SunshineStrummers Google Groups EMails. Or, just try the Zoom link below between 10 AM and Noon Pacific on Thursday. You (and we) never know – we just might be there Zooming the live in-person meeting. These Online Zoom meetings are typically live streamed to the Turlock Sunshine Strummers Group on Facebook. Or, check out the Ron Lodewyck Channel on YouTube or the Turlock Sunshine Strummers Group on Facebook for video recordings after the meeting.
The remainder of this page is being retained should there be a need to resume regularly scheduled Zoom meetings in the future. ***
Our Zoom meetings were recorded and posted to YouTube. You can find links to each of them, sorted by date, on our Resources page
Sunshine Strummers is currently meeting once a month on the fourth Saturday at 10 AM Pacific time (1 PM Eastern / 1700 UTC ). Note that the 4th Saturday is not always the last Saturday of the month!
Join Zoom Meeting:
CLICK above underlined link to join the meeting starting approximately 10 AM Pacific time. If you click before the host has logged into Zoom you will be asked to wait for the host to let you into the meeting. The host frequently logs in 5 – 10 minutes early – this is a good time to socialize a bit before the meeting begins.
Come join us! This is a very friendly and supportive group and we strongly encourage newcomers – beginners and experienced players alike – from anywhere in the world. That’s right, we regularly have participants from all around the globe. Bring your ukulele, guitar, whatever, but have fun singing and/or strumming along with the leader. We look forward to meeting you!
Zoom hosts:
Kelly Darpinian, Betty Lodewyck, and Ron Lodewyck
Zoom leaders:
John Bartlett, Kathy Nish and Larry Burns
- Music is available in a combined pdf file in the NEWS page meeting announcement and in the SONGS/ZOOM tab in the Navigation Bar, or individually in the SONGS archive.
- You can join us on Zoom using your PC, Mac, laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone.
- You may join us with your own audio and/or video on or off, if you prefer the privacy.
- Use the Chat window on Zoom to commiserate with other participants, ask questions, comment on the song, etc.
- Use Participant–>Rename to change your name as it is displayed
- Change the VIEW anytime to show the gallery of participants or just the current speaker.
Sunshine Strummers Zoom Meetings are an offshoot of Turlock Sunshine Strummers which began as a way to continue our weekly meetings in the face of mandatory lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We switched to an online Zoom format which allowed us to gather, play our instruments and sing along with a leader, albeit virtually. It proved to be popular and quickly attracted other participants from around the United States and globally. Even though Turlock Sunshine Strummers has been able to resume in-person weekly meetings in Turlock, California, the online format eliminates the need to drive to or otherwise attend an in-person meeting, and so, has remained a valuable option with a loyal following. Also, in recognition of the now global reach of our group, we dropped the Turlock part of the our name from our website and Zoom Meetings.
What is a Sunshine Strummers Zoom meeting like?
Our meetings typically run two hours, are live streamed to Facebook and recorded for later uploading to the Sunshine Strummers Channel on YouTube . Here’s a typical agenda:
- Host Welcomes Participants
- First leader & Host introduce and scroll music on screen, leader plays & sings while participants play and sing along at home. Participants are muted so we only hear the leader. Typically 8-10 songs.
- Open mics – volunteers play and sing songs of their choosing – usually three or fewer.
- Announcements
- Break of 5-10 minutes. Unmuted opportunity to socialize.
- Second leader – same format as first leader.
- Close with “You Are My Sunshine”
Contact Us
Send us an email at [email protected]